Links to topics within Education research
European Association for the Education of Adults : the "voice of non-formal adult education in Europe"' ; 120 member organisations in 43 countries representing over60 million learners throughout Europe.
National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy : The research dissemination efforts of the NCSALL ended in 2007. The research publications, Focus on Basics, training and teaching resources, and other materials continue to be made available on this website although these materials are no longer available in print.
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning : "...UIL promotes and supports lifelong learning with a focus on adult learning, continuing education, literacy and non-formal basic education. Its activities place particular emphasis on furthering educational equity for disadvantaged groups and in the countries most afflicted by poverty and conflict."
The Institute for Higher Education Policy : nonpartisan nonprofit research and advocacy organization committed to promoting access and success in higher education for all students with a focus on students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, and other historically marginalized populations.
Organization of U.S. Education (U.S. Network for Education Information)