Sources of information related to various aspects of the creative arts, such as tax credits in the film industry.
Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit: The Canadian film or video production tax credit (CPTC) encourages both production in Canada and Canadian programming.
Canadian Council for the Arts: We champion and invest in artistic excellence through our grants, services, prizes and payments to Canadian artists and arts organizations.
Ontario Arts Council: The OAC’s grants and services to professional, Ontario-based artists and arts organizations support arts education, Indigenous arts, community arts, crafts, dance, Francophone arts, literature, media arts, multidisciplinary arts, music, theatre, touring, and visual arts.
Ontario Film & Tax Credit: The OFTTC is a refundable tax credit based upon eligible Ontario labour expenditures incurred by a qualifying production company with respect to an eligible Ontario production. The OFTTC is generally “harmonized” with the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit.