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Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology: Academic Integrity

Key resource supports for MACP students.

APA Support Centre


APA is the citation standard for all programs at Yorkville University. Ensuring that you have correctly cited and referenced your sources in your assignments and discussion questions will help you avoid breaching academic integrity standards. YU's librarians have put together a helpful APA Support guide that can help address basic and more YU-specific APA questions.

Fair Dealing

Fair Dealing is NOT Fair Use

Don't get confused! Fair Dealing in Canada (under Copyright Act C-42) is not the same as Fair Use in the United States. 

As rule of thumb, Fair Dealing in Canada allows instructors to share up to 10% of a copyrighted work or one chapter of a book, and can be distributed only to those registered in the relevant course. 

Types of Academic Integrity Offenses


Academic integrity is a guiding principle within Yorkville University for students, faculty members, and staff. The University values openness, honesty, civility, and curiosity in all academic endeavours. Yorkville University’s academic integrity and honesty principles apply to the initial assessment of applicants, the treatment of students during courses, and all assessment procedures. All members of the University are obligated to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and to foster these practices in others. All members of the academic community must ensure that all materials used in courses or in assignments submitted for assessment adhere to established standards of academic honesty and to Canadian copyright law.


Plagiarism is the act of representing someone else’s work as one’s own. It includes, but is not limited to:

a. Quoting verbatim or with significant similarity from any source without citation or with incorrect citation or in any way that creates the appearance that material written by someone else was written by the student.

b. Submitting someone else’s work, in whatever form, without appropriately referencing the source.

c. Purchasing or otherwise acquiring (e.g., from social media, “tutoring,” or note-sharing websites) assignments and submitting them as one’s own work. 


This is the act of a student submitting coursework that is identical or substantially similar to work that they have already submitted for credit at Yorkville or another institution. It is an academic offense unless it is explicitly required or approved by the course instructor or program director. Note that intention to deceive or to cheat is not a defining characteristic of plagiarism. It is the responsibility of every student to learn and apply proper practice for citing sources to avoid unintentionally causing the reader to believe that someone else’s work is the work of the student.


Anything done to dishonestly or unfairly gain unearned academic advantage, grades, or credits is a serious breach of academic integrity. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:

a. Using unauthorized notes, texts, instructor’s manuals, or other material during examinations or tests;

b. Allowing another person to complete course assignments, tests, or examinations;

c. Obtaining an examination, test, or other course material through theft, collusion, purchase, gift, or any other way to dishonestly or unfairly gain academic advantage;

d. Collaborating with one or more other individuals on a work to be evaluated when the instructor has required the work to be completed on an individual basis;

e. Falsifying credentials, records, transcripts, or other documents or misrepresenting professional experience;

f. Employing any unauthorized academic assistance in completing assignments or examinations, including:

i. Downloading material from websites that offer “tutoring” services;

ii. Using professional editing services in such a way that the final product does not accurately represent the student’s academic abilities;

g. Tampering with, or altering, in any deceptive way, work subsequently presented for a review of the grade awarded. 


It is a breach of academic integrity to encourage or facilitate academic dishonesty in others. Such activities might include:

a. Selling, giving, posting online, or otherwise distributing assignments, projects, exams, reports, or other work completed as a student at Yorkville when it can be reasonably assumed that such action will allow others to plagiarize or cheat. This includes posting, selling, trading, sharing, uploading or otherwise distributing the content mentioned above, on sites or platforms including, but not limited to, Course Hero, Chegg, and Facebook.

b. Knowingly allowing one’s assignments, projects, exams, reports, or other work completed as a student at Yorkville to be copied by another person when it might be reasonably assumed that this will allow others to plagiarize or cheat.

c. Impersonating another person for the purposes of completing course assignments, tests, or examinations.

d. Colluding with one or more other students to prepare and submit substantially the same piece of work, without prior permission of the instructor.

Sharing Materials

Sharing Materials and Copyright

It is important to note that sharing e-textbooks and illegally-procured PDFS of works under copyright on a personal level, or participating in larger scale distribution of these materials on social media platforms, like WeChat or Facebook, is both a breach of academic integrity and illegal.

Sharing materials under copyright is a breach of the Yorkville University Academic Integrity and Honesty policy which states in Section 5.6.1 of the Academic Calendar, “All members of the University are obligated to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and to foster these practices in others. All members of the academic community must ensure that all materials used in courses or in assignments submitted for assessment adhere to established standards of academic honesty and to Canadian copyright law” (p. 23).

These actions also constitute a breach of Section 5.6.5, Student Code of Conduct, as they are a “Contravention of provisions of the Criminal Code or other federal, provincial, or municipal statutes or regulations” (p.29). Sharing or distributing e-textbooks, PDFs, or other academic works contrary to the Government of Canada Copyright Act and Copyright Modernization Act can result in personal legal penalties. Potential penalties under these Acts include both civil and criminal remedies.

Any students found to be exchanging or distributing materials under copyright, such as the DSM-5, e-textbooks, etc., in violation of Yorkville’s Academic Integrity and Honesty policy, and the Student Code of Conduct, will face appropriate academic and non-academic misconduct charges. If such charges are upheld following appropriate appeal processes, the student will face penalties up to and including permanent academic dismissal from Yorkville University.

Modified with gratitude from materials provided by Dr. Sarah Stewart-Spencer and Sheldon Bergner.