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Bibliographic Software: Home

Quick Study Guide providing the basics of Bibliographic Software

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Asking a Librarian

Paul Graham, University Librarian

Email Paul Graham (AST)

Subject Liaison: Creative Arts, Education, Psychology

Kathy Coorsh, Academic Librarian

Email Kathy Coorsh (EST)

Subject Liaison: Business, Interior Design/Decorating & General Studies

Nell Beaudry, Academic Librarian

Email Nell Beaudry (PST)

Subject Liaison: Business, Library Instruction, Information Literacy, Psychology

Melissa Discola, Library Technician

Email Melissa Discola (EST)

Subject Liaison: Textbook Management & Administration

Sarah Van Sickle, Academic Librarian

Email Sarah Van Sickle (EST)

Subject Liaison: Resource Management, Business, Interior Design/Decorating, Creative Arts

What is Bibliographic Software?

Bibliographic software, also known as reference management software, is a type of computer program or application designed to help individuals organize, store, and manage bibliographic information and citations. It is commonly used by researchers, academics, and writers to collect and organize references, generate citations, and create bibliographies for academic papers, research projects, and other documents. These tools often integrate with word processing software and online databases, making it easier to track and cite sources.

Tutorials on Zotero Bibliographic Software

Other Bibliographic Software Options

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Other Software Options

Citation Software Options

  • Zotero: Zotero is freely accessible citation and research management software.
  • Endnote: EndNote is a reference manager that helps you save time formatting citations, so you can focus on your research.
  • Mendeley: Mendeley brings your research to life, so you can make an impact on tomorrow
  • Papers: Papers helps you collect and curate the research material that you're passionate about.