Accessing Articles in Discovery
- The current access issue involves searching the Discovery search engine (the search box on the library's homepage), but the PDFs don't display in Full-Text when you select the PDF option.
- If this happens, there are two options:
- first, you can download the article to your desktop or cloud storage. It will still be fully accessible.
- Second, you can try accessing using a different option, such as "online Full Text" as seen below.
Alternative Ways to Access our Collections
- YU's main search bar is the "Discovery" search engine - this allows YU students to search all of YU's databases at once! This is a great way to save time and ensure you're finding all of the results out there. What happens, though, when Discovery is down?
- You can still access YU's databases and keep doing research! YU subscribes to databases through EBSCO, SAGE, ProQuest, and more! These can all be accessed from the "Databases" drop-down menu at the top of the library's homepage. You can search these individually.
If you don't want to or for various reasons are unable to download PDFs, and the article doesn't have an Online Full-Text option, you can use the Databases A-Z List to access the article's PDF.
- All articles in Discovery indicate which database they're available through:
- You can access the individual databases (like Business Source Complete) by going to the Databases A-Z List and finding the database:
- There, you can search for the article title that you found in Discovery, and access its PDF in full online.