Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB): The Canadian Council Become A Member for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) is a member based organization driving business opportunities and advancing corporate social responsibility for the Aboriginal community. CCAB offers unique programs and services that help facilitate sustainable relations between First Nation, Inuit, and Métis people and the Canadian business sector.
International Trade Canada – Exporting, importing and investing in Canada and foreign markets.
CIA World Factbook – Country profiles prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook provides basic intelligence 266 world entities.
Economist Intelligence Unit – Economic, political and business analysis on over 200 countries. While a subscription is required for most of the information on this site, some reports are available to the public.
International Trade Administration - Official Website of the U.S. International Trade Administration
The Business Ethics Blog: features news & commentary about corporate ethics
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – A source for research and data that offers an in depth view of housing in the United States.
American Accounting Association: American professional accounting association.
CPA Canada : Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada . Professional association.
FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board – Documents and News from the FASB.
The Conference Board: The Conference Board provides a rich array of actionable, authoritative economic data.
Federal Reserve Economic Data: Over 5100 economic time series from 43 sources.
Peterson Institute for International Economics: An American think-tank based in Washington, D.C; "an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization ..."
Survey of Professional Forecasters: "the oldest quarterly survey of macroeconomic forecasts in the United States"
Employment & Social Development Canada: ESDC works to improve the standard of living and quality of life for all Canadians.
TechCrunch: Technology media property which profiles startups, reviews new Internet products, and covers breaking tech news.
Business and industry– Business taxes, permits and regulations, intellectual property, business support and how to sell to government.
SBA: Small Business Administration Home Page (US) - The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent agency of the US government which helps Americans start, build, and grow businesses.
Western Economic Diversification Canada (WD) – Guide for small businesses in Western Canada. The WEDO is becoming two new agencies:
Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan) - the regional development agency focused on British Columbia’s evolving economy.
Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan) - In Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, PriariesCan is the department that diversifies the economy across the Canadian Prairies.
Small Business Accerlator – Provided by the University Of British Columbia, this resource offers free online access to reliable business information and tools for secondary market research for BC businesses and entrepreneurs.
American Customer Satisfaction Index: Economic modelling.
Canadian International Merchandise Trade - Stats Canada data on Imports, exports.
Building Permits: Stats Canada data
Census of Population: A detailed statistical portrait of Canada and its people by their demographic, social and economic characteristics.
Greenbook: A guide for buyers of marketing research.
Royal Bank of Canada Market Data : Financial Markets Reports, forward-looking analysis of Canadian, U.S. and international financial market trends including interest rate and currency forecasts.
Bank of Canada – Access to current information about banking and financial market statistics, monetary policy, inflation, and the consumer price index
Daily News (Statistics Canada) – Latest news from Statistics Canada including monthly and quarterly economic indicators.
Department of Finance Canada - The Department of Finance Canada is responsible for the overall stewardship of the Canadian economy.
QFinance Dictionary - QFINANCE is a one-stop guide for finance professionals including CFOs, finance managers, and trainee accountants, as well as academics and students.
Seek Alpha - Seeking Alpha is a platform for investment research, with broad coverage of stocks, asset classes, ETFs and investment strategy
Wachowicz’s Web World - A link to various financial websites.
Stock Exchanges