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Business : Orientation & Academic Support

Links to key business reference resources such as annual reports,company information, government sources, statistical sources, and more.

Academic Support


Whether you are returning to school after years of absence, or well along in your studies, you may require some support with your research, writing, citations, etc. This guide highlights the resources available to you. 

                            APA Support Centre

APA Style Guides at Yorkville University

Academic Integrity

Video Tutorials

Business eBooks

Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) and the Standard for Project Management
Assessment of Responsible Innovation
Power and Influence of Economists
Effective Project Management
Leadership Theory and Research
Marketing Management and Communications in the Public Sector
Building an Innovative Learning Organization
The Trillion Dollar Shift
Leading Transformative Change Collectively

Supportive Quick Guides

Academic Support and Tutoring

Who Do I Ask For Help?

Paul Graham, University Librarian

Email Paul Graham (AST)

Subject Liaison: Creative Arts, Education, Psychology

Kathy Coorsh, Academic Librarian

Email Kathy Coorsh (EST)

Subject Liaison: Business, Interior Design/Decorating & General Studies

Nell Beaudry, Academic Librarian

Email Nell Beaudry (PST)

Subject Liaison: Business, Library Instruction, Information Literacy

Melissa Discola, Library Technician

Email Melissa Discola (EST)

Subject Liaison: Textbook Management & Administration

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