Whether you are returning to school after years of absence, or well along in your studies, you may require some support with your research, writing, citations, etc. This guide highlights the resources available to you.
APA Style Guides at Yorkville University
The Concise APA Handbook by Paul Iida; Rachael Ruegg; Mark de Boer; Naoko Araki; Mary Frances AgnelloMost students struggle with learning how to find references, use them effectively, and cite them appropriately in a required format. One of the most common formats is that of APA. The authors all have vast experience teaching writing courses to various levels of students from undergraduates to graduates in other countries. However, there was lacking a book that could explain the basics of APA in simple, easy-to-understand language for non-native speakers of English, who are often unfamiliar with using references and formatting an essay in a particular method. In order to offer English Learner student writers a source of information that is appropriate for their level, and is cost-effective, this updated APA 7th edition guidebook provides students with important information in clear, concise, user-friendly language, as well as to offer practical examples that will help them grasp the concept of secondary research writing. Much of the published materials on the market targets native speakers of English. The problem with this is that they present the nitpicky details of APA in ways that do not make sense to native speakers of English, let alone to those for whom English is not their first language, because the information is presented in very technical terms that are not easy to understand. This handbook presents the same information in simplified terms with images and step-by-step instructions in ways that make sense to both native and non-native English speaking student writers. Additionally, student writers often struggle with understanding the concept of plagiarism, as well as how to find sources, evaluate the appropriateness of sources, and use sources in effective ways (e.g., how to integrate quotes, when to paraphrase, among others). This book provides this important information that is concise and easy to understand. NOTE: This is a REVISED edition of our original The Concise APA Handbook, which has been updated for APA 7th edition, which was issued in the fall, 2019.
ISBN: 9781648021831
Publication Date: 2021-02-01
APA Guidelines - 7th Edition by Kaitlyn McNameeQuick reference guide to the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association's publication manual for rules of punctuation, reference citation, structure and format in 6 digital pages filled with the answers you need for these commonly used guidelines. This style guide is used largely in academics, psychology, communications, business, nursing, social sciences, criminology, education, economics and more. Having a quick reference handy can speed up the writing and editing process allowing the writer to focus on the quality of the paper, ensuring a better grade if you are a student or a more professionally clean article or paper if writing for publication in your field. For the convenience and benefit of increasing the quality of your writings, the price makes it easy to add this to your writers toolbox. 6 page digital guide includes: What is APA Style? Scientific Writing Manuscript Structure & Content Clear & Concise Writing The Mechanics of Style Visuals & Results Paper Format with Sample Paper Citing Sources in the Text with ExamplesReference Type List Sample Reference List Publication Process Suggested uses: Students – Handy reference while writing papers, collect the set of guides you need for your classes to easily switch between styles Professors/Teachers – Keep handy while writing for academic journals in your subject areaProfessionals – Use while writing academic articles or papers for publication