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Doctor of Counselling and Psychotherapy: Counselling resources

Resources for students in the DCP program.

Counselling Resources :  Additional web links to specific counselling resources available for free online.

Counselling Resources 

Additional web links to specific counselling resources available for free online.

Counselling Resources

Career Counselling And Development

Counselling (General)

Counselling (General)

Cross-Cultural Psychology

Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders 








Marital and Family Therapy/Counselling

Marital And Family Therapy/Counseling 

Mood Disorders

Mood Disorders 

Panic and Anxiety

Panic And Anxiety 

  • Answers to Your Questions About Panic Disorder: Article discusses the symptoms of a panic attack; and the causes, side effects, and treatment of panic disorder.

  • Anxiety Network: Links to three different sites that offer information about social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and panic.

  • OCD Center of Los Angeles: Site provides a brief description of obsessive compulsive disorders and descriptions of OCD spectrum disorders such as body dysmorphic disorders, hypochondriasis, phobias, social anxiety, and panic disorders. A suggested reading list and links to a number of related sites are also included.

  • Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association: This association provides a definition of social phobia, as well as practical examples of what it’s like to live with a social phobia or anxiety disorder. Treatment for these two disorders is also discussed.

Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders

Personality Resources

Personality Resources

  • Personality Project: personality psychology addresses the questions of shared human nature, individual differences and unique patterns of individuals.

  • Personality Theories E-text designed for courses in personality theories, addressing psychoanalytic, behaviorist, and humanistic schools of thought, by Dr. C. George Boeree. 

Research Methods

Research Methods

  • Research Methods Database: This comprehensive web-based textbook discusses sampling, measurement, research design, data analysis, validity, reliability, and ethics, as well has how to develop a research question and write a research paper.

  • APA Research Tools and MethodsAPA recommendations on research resources.

Sex and Gender

Sex And Gender



Trauma and Stress

Trauma And Stress