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Doctor of Counselling and Psychotherapy: Reference Resources

Resources for students in the DCP program.

Psychology Reference Resources

Psychology Reference Resources

Internet reference resources to assist you in finding authoritative online academic information.




  • BPS Research Digest: The official blog of the British Psychological Society covering topics of brain research and behaviour.
  • PsycCRITIQUES Blog: This blog provides available critiques of Psychology Books, Film and Video.
  • World of Psychology, PSYC Central: A popular blog on psychology topics from Psych Central website.



  • Monitor on Psychology: An APA publication that provides the latest news and developments in the field of psychology.

Dictionaries, Glossaries & Encyclopedias

Dictionaries, Glossaries & Encyclopedias 

  • APA Glossary of Terms: From Gerrig, Richard J. & Philip G. Zimbardo. Psychology And Life, 16/e. Published by Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA. Copyright (c) 2002 by Pearson Education. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
  •  NIMH Brochures and Fact Sheets : The National Institute of Mental Health publishes brief “booklets” on specific topics. Although this is not a specific dictionary or encyclopedia, this site does provide a valuable set of brief, authoritative reference information that can be integrated into your project work.

Tools & Social Media

Tools & Social Media

  • Android Addiction Recovery Apps: “One of the benefits of evolving technology is that it means improved options for almost every aspect of life. These new inventions can mean that people improved convenience and completely new approaches to old problems. Those individuals who are recovering from an addiction will find that modern technology has a great deal to offer them.”
  • PsychologyTools: Set up in 2008 by Dr Matthew Whalley, a Clinical Psychologist working in the UK, as a way to develop and share materials useful to psychological therapists.

Directories And Portals

Directories And Portals

  • PubPsych:  a free information retrieval system for psychological resources. It provides records on psychological literature, tests, research data, and treatment programs from European and American scientific information producers.

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