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TurnItIn Quick Guide: Home

Quick Study Guide for using the Word 360 TurnItIn extension.

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Who Do I Ask For Help?

Paul Graham, University Librarian

Email Paul Graham (AST)

Subject Liaison: Creative Arts, Education, Psychology

Kathy Coorsh, Academic Librarian

Email Kathy Coorsh (EST)

Subject Liaison: Business, Interior Design/Decorating & General Studies

Nell Beaudry, Academic Librarian

Email Nell Beaudry (PST)

Subject Liaison: Business, Library Instruction, Information Literacy, Psychology

Melissa Discola, Library Technician

Email Melissa Discola (EST)

Subject Liaison: Textbook Management & Administration

Sarah Van Sickle, Academic Librarian

Email Sarah Van Sickle (EST)

Subject Liaison: Resource Management, Business, Interior Design/Decorating, Creative Arts


TurnItIn is a software used for verifying academic integrity. Your instructors may ask you to submit assignments via TurnItIn, which will allow you to verify if you are missing citations prior to submission.

However, for assignments that do not require submission via TurnItIn, you may still want to use the service in order to verify your "similarity score" and to help correct any minor grammar or spelling mistakes. To do so, you can use the online Microsoft Word access via your student account and select the TurnItIn button in the task bar. This will allow you to use the Draft Coach, through which you have three Similarity Checks. 

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