Reproducing happens when you copy or recreate an image, infographic, table, graph, or chart that is not your original creation. If you reproduce one of these works in your assignment:
Use the format (see Figure #) to refer to figures and tables within your paragraphs.
There are two options for embedding the images in your paper:
This happens if you only cite information from an image, infographic, chart, table, or graph and do not reproduce it in your paper:
Example: Reproducing a map from Google Maps
Figure 1 Street Map of Seneca College Newnham Campus
Note. From Google Maps, by Google ( |
Example: Adapting a table from a journal
Table 1
Comparison of Antimicrobial Resistant Genes in Chicken Gut Microbiome Grown on Organic and Conventional Diet
Antibiotics | Conventional Diet |
Amoxicillan | ampC, sugE |
Penicillin | ampC, sugE |
Note. Adapted from "Comparison of Antimicrobial Resistant Genes in Chicken Gut Microbiome Grown on Organic and Conventional Diet," by N. V. Hegde, S. Kariyawasam, C. DebRoy, Veterinary and Animal Science, 1-2, p. 13, ( CC BY.
Example: Reproducing an image from an eBook from a website
Figure 2 A Model of Right-Wing Authoritarianism Note. From "Karl Marx in the Age of Big Data and Capitalism," by C. Fuchs, in C. Fuchs and D. Chandler (Eds.), Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Capitalism, Labour and Politics in the Age of Big Data (p. 66), University of Westminster Press ( CC BY-NC. |
Example of a completed attribution note
Include a description of your image, ending with a period.
►"From" or "Adapted from"
If your are reusing the exact image, start the copyright attribution statement with From. If you are recreating an image, start the statement with Adapted from.
►Citation Information
Here you will be including all the elements of your Reference List citation, but in a slightly different order and using different capitalization rules for the title of the journal article. Use the order of: "Title of Article" by A. B. Author and C. D. Author, year, Title of Journal, Volume, p. xx.
"Sleep Deprivation in New Mothers" by A. Georgievski, 2016, Postpartum Journal, 7, p. 32.
►Copyright Information
Include one of the following in the copyright note:
Copyright year by Name of Copyright Holder.
The copyright holder of a journal article is the publisher of a journal, usually found at the bottom of the journal's website, next to the copyright symbol.
Example: Copyright 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
In the public domain.
Creative Commons license (e.g., CC BY)
►Permission Statement (optional)
Include a permission statement if you received permission from the copyright owner to use their work. Indicate the permission statement by including one of the following:
Reprinted with permission.
Adapted with permission.
►Note about including your own photos
If the photograph is your own, you do not need to cite it or include a figure note. However, Seneca Libraries recommends adding a figure note beneath the image that reads "Photograph by author".
Some images you may want to reproduce in your work are protected by copyright and may require permission from the copyright owner.
To find royalty-free and Creative Commons licensed materials you can use in your course work, check out: