Reference List Citation |
Full Name of Group Author. (Year webpage was last updated, Month Day). Title of webpage or article. Name of website if different from author name. http://webpageURL
Diabetes Canada. (n.d.). Preventing diabetes.,-risks---prevention/preventing-diabetes Note: Use n.d., if you are unable to find the exact date the webpage or article was last updated. Do not use the copyright date of the website.
In-Text Citation: Quote |
(Group Name, Year, Location of quote)
(Diabetes Canada, n.d., Move More section, para. 2) Note: When quoting information from a webpage, include the location where you found the information. This includes the name of section/heading (if available) and paragraph number where you found the information. |
In-Text Citation: Paraphrase |
(Group Name, Year)
(Diabetes Canada, n.d.) |
Reference List Citation |
Author's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial, if given. (Year webpage was last updated, Month Day). Title of webpage or article. Name of website if different from author name. http://webpageURL
Button, G. (2019, November 11). Augmentative AI and the future of work. Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.
In-Text Citation: Quote |
(Author's Last Name, Year, Location of quote)
(Button, 2019, para. 3) Note: When quoting information from a webpage, include the location where you found the information. This includes the name of section/heading (if available) and paragraph number where your found the information. |
In-Text Citation: Paraphrase |
(Author's Last Name, Year)
(Button, 2019) |
Reference List Citation |
Author's Last Name, First Initial. or Group Name. (Year, Month Day). Infographic or document title: Subtitle if given. Name of website if different from author name. http://infographicORdocumentURL
World Resources Institute. (2019, March). Greenhouse gas emissions over 165 years: Top ten emitters from 1850 to 2016.
In-Text Citation |
(Author's Last Name or Group Name, Year)
(World Resources Institute, 2019) |
Reference List Citation |
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Year of Post, Month Day). Title of blog post. Name of Blog. http://blogpostURL
Godin, S. (2019, December 3). Attention vs. the chasm. Seth's Blog.
In-Text Citation: Quote |
(Last Name, Year, para. Paragraph Number)
(Godin, 2019, para. 5) |
In-Text Citation: Paraphrase |
(Last Name, Year)
(Godin, 2019) |